Sometimes life gets in the way...

When I first came up with the idea of posting a picture a day here, things had already been a bit... well... messy, in my life. My photography and my cats have been the things that have brought me any joy and kept me afloat for the past several months after being laid off from tech/IT twice in the past year. 

Then the rug was completely pulled out from under me yesterday.

This is Basil. She is one of only a few hundred Registered Animal-Assisted Therapy Cats in the US. She was also one of the first (if not THE first) cat to be nationally accredited as part of a Animal-Assisted Crisis Response Team. Earlier this year, she was diagnosed with Feline Injection Site Sarcoma and the incredible people at Colorado State University Veterinary Teaching Hospital - Flint Animal Cancer Center have been doing the very best possible since then to help beat this. 

Sadly, I was told yesterday that despite the treatments, the cancer metastases in her lungs have multiplied and grown. Her medication was switched up and we are currently doing everything possible to keep her comfortable. If you look at her right now, you'd hardly know anything is wrong and I hope that lasts as long as possible. 

Losing her will absolutely take the wind out of my sails and does nothing to make a horrid year any better. 

Whatever you find joy in these days, please do so. Hug your family and friends (furry and otherwise) often. Thanks for understanding if the pic of the day doesn't happen every single day. 


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